Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Can you believe our Charlie is 1 year old already.

We had so much fun at his birthday party at grandma's house on Sunday!

And then as a special treat, today he is off and running, non of this taking a few steps and sitting down or grabbing on, he was all over Toys R Us today!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Welcome to the world baby Alton

Baby Alton Donald Tighe was welcomed to this world by his proud parents at on at 7:11pm Friday the 24th of July. Congratulations David and Gina! We can't wait to come meet him!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Cathleen!

So Cathleen's birthday was the 16th, and to celebrate we went to Disneyland! For once it truly was the happiest place on earth. It's amazing what a difference a few months can make. This is Charlie's second trip, but he was so aware this time, and seemed to amazed by it all!

We went with Dean and Laura, and it was non stop fun the whole time. Posted a bunch of pictures up on flickr, check them out! DISNEYLAND

And then, just to complete it all, Cathleen takes a spill down the stairs Saturday afternoon and fractures her arm. Thank god Charlie wasn't hurt since she was carrying him at the time!

Just another exciting week in the life of the Tighe's. More updates to come!

Friday, July 3, 2009


So we went to the Pasadena Humane Society today to look at puppies, and we came home with a kitty! What can we say, we're suckers for a cute face. Charlie got to pick her name "Kiki", still hasn't said momma yet, but is saying kiki no problem. Gonna give Cathleen a complex.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

R.I.P. Mischief...

Our baby kitty is missing, and all signs point to coyotes. Looks like that's the second and last kitty to fall pray to those damn coyotes!

We'll miss our baby kitty.

First Post...

Considering the infrequency in wish I would update our domain, thought I would try this on for size.

Charlie is growing like a weed, and getting cuter by the day!

Today we had a play date with Christine and Savana, didn't get a chance to make it in the pool, but that didn't stop me and Charlie a little later.

I'm hoping to spend at least a few minutes a day updating this, so please check back often to see how we're holding up!